
無樹不樂(Know Tree Know Fun/No Tree No Fun)是由一群熱愛盆栽的朋友所共同創立的組織,主要使命在推廣綠色盆栽生活,這個組織以盆栽種植為核心價值,結合陶作,木作及其他工藝元素,創作出有趣的,生活的,知性的盆栽作品,透過各式各樣的盆栽作品的實踐來豐富每個人的綠色人生!


The bonsai club, Know Tree Know Fun, was founded by a group of bonsai enthusiasts. Its original name was “No Tree No Fun” as the literal meaning in Chinese. However, we changed the name to “Know Tree Know Fun”, in the same pronunciation and the more positive concept. Our main mission is to promote bonsai art to everyone as a lifestyle. With the combination of pottery art, wood art and other craft elements, we hope to bring out amusing and interesting bonsai works to enrich everyone's life.

Bonsai, as an art, there are some guidelines should be taught and some basic gardening skills should be learned. It seems it is the kind of gardening activity that is not easier to get close to. In addition, it has long been considered abstruse, complex and expensive. Due to its difficult impression, many people have lost the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful, satisfying and challenging hobby.

Bonsai, the living art, has its charm that should never be given away. The primary aim of Know Tree Know Fun is to spray the fun of bonsai to others by growing bonsais, exhibitions, workshops, lectures and publications. All members of the club are committed to improving their bonsai talents and help others to develop theirs. We do believe people should and could enjoy their lives with fascinating and creative bonsai works. 

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